Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tempus Fugit

Good golly, Miss Molly, it's been a long, long while since last I blogged. Even in my uninteresting life, happenings. . . happen. Just this week I turned twenty-three, proving the Earth still revolves, even if it's not around me. It was a calm birthday; I wore my coat tails for a bit. There was much reflection on the previous year, and it wasn't happy. What wasn't bland was discouraging, and even the good parts were flavored with a manic drive. My love/romantic life is the prime example here. I won't go into details, but some built up steam was released, experience gained, wisdom learned, and the desire for a lasting relationship with a man strengthened. My employed life is another: cashiering at Walmart, part-time, is not the dream, and my desperate attempts at different employment have been miserably unsuccessful. I am in the desert of my life at the moment, and my future self may appreciate it, but the current one occasionally thrashes about at it.

Either that or becomes depressed. I have had plenty of bad days in my life; they come, but then go. Lately, though, I have been having the most severe episodes of what might be manic depression. Just today, up to mid-afternoon, I was feeling rather dapper, then came the question of what should I do next. Within minutes I was a wreck, despondent over doing anything, thinking it fruitless, and so I retired to my bed to embrace Alfred, my stuffed penguin, where I simply allowed myself the time to be miserable. And now I'm okay. This happened last week, though, and I'm worried it may be more than temporary, but it is difficult to tell as, if you return to the above paragraph, I have not had the best year (one of my worst, actually). C'est la vie.

In returning to this blog, I decided to reread all the posts. I stand by everything, mostly, and am relieved that I'm not as stuffy as I feared (perhaps you will differ in opinion). One thing I would like to clarify is my position on God, religion, and the lot. I realized I could seem a strong Christian in much of my writing, but the truth is far more equivocal. Such things are written at a remove from the Real Me, Myself, that is, the person who still isn't quite sure if God is real. They are, instead, written by Christian Hendricks, Artist, who writes from a stance that He exists as a springboard for other matters. The demarcation between the two is blurry, and I find myself frequently taking from both simultaneously.

I think this suffices for the moment, so good night, and I shall try to keep this up.

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