I know a few people who will blame anything and everything but themselves. "I didn't have a good morning because you didn't have coffee made." "I failed my test because the teacher didn't tell us everything that would be on it, and you didn't help me study." And so on. I'm going to make this a short post and say: Try blaming yourself first. This post is inspired by a Facebook debate about the economy and education and Wall Street Occupiers and etc., like many others, and it suddenly struck me that what everyone needed (myself even on occasion) was a hardy slap and to be told to look to thine own faults. Sure, the government is awful and has ruined our economy; Wall Street and other mainstream financial/economists types, supported by the government, has done the dirty work to screw us over; and so on. But I say, are we not all to blame? Has not our common compliance with dictates, has not our common avarice, has not our sense of superiority, our imperial short-sightedness lay the foundation of our current state of affairs? If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself. Large amounts of peoples have made, are making, and will make themselves better because individuals improved their own lot before meddling in the affairs of others. To go to something smaller: are you in a difficult situation? Instead of blaming the shortcomings of others, look to your own and improve them.
End rant.
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